4 lessons I learned when building a successful team
Summary of this month’s #CheersfromQ regarding the importance of community
Oprah said “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”
Was I nervous? YES.
Did I worry that I would get judged? DOUBLE YES.
Am I passionate about sharing my thoughts and advice that I have received throughout the years to help others? YES. YES. YES.
January 2018 marked the beginning of #CheersfromQ: a blog about community, vulnerability, and self-awareness. Thank you for joining me on this journey. I appreciate your support and love to hear your thoughts on this month’s discussion and future topics.
This month focused on the lessons I learned while building a successful team.
**Check out the quick 2 minute posts below**
Lesson #1: Use the Start, Stop and Continue Exercise to be more self aware about you and your team’s habits and routines.
Lesson #2: Importance of “Seeing Eye to Eye”; spend time having meals together, walking and learning from each other.
Lesson #3: Gold stars:reward and praise; it is important recognize and understand what makes people feel valued and appreciated.
Lesson #4: Mentorship at an earlier age. Are you helping create a community full of mentors to help drive curiosity instead of judgement?
I appreciate your thoughts and advice on how you create community. Add them in the comments below.
Until next time -
Cheers, “Q”